The 10 Worst Sponsored Tweets
The Internet has completely revolutionized the way we communicate, the way we think, and the way we get annoyed by ads. Whoever thought we might one day receive "personal" emails from the CEOs of large corporations? Or that Facebook ads could know if we happen to like fish tacos or Neil Diamond cover bands? (What? Have you not heard Surreal Neil belt out 'Cracklin' Rosie?') One of the most irritating new advertising strategies occurs on Twitter where companies try perhaps a little too hard to incorporate trending topics into their tweets. Here are the 10 most blatant examples of actual sponsored tweets:
Submitted by: Ken Furer
Keywords: Twitter Tweet Advertising Sponsored Ads Arby's Wendy's Radio Shack Chili's Dorito's Oreo Old Navy KFC Netflix Qwikster
Views: 55,523
The 10 Worst Sponsored Tweets